
Denki Gai No Honyasan Funny Moments


Umio is a shy kid who only started his part time chore at a manga store smack dab in the middle of the city. But his lifestyle isn't every bit glamorous as the neon lights that illuminate the metropolis. Umio'southward closest friends are his co-workers who are all unique characters, to say the least, and although they're nice people, they accept their quirks. They are a tight knit group of friends, accept nicknames for each other and spend their weekends inside, sheltered from the extravagant scene happening on the outside.

(Source: MU)


The first half of Episode one was streamed in advance as a preview on September 23, 2014. on Niconico Live. Regular dissemination began on October two, 2014.

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Dec 18, 2014

Overall 7
Story vii
Blitheness 8
Sound seven
Character seven
Enjoyment 9

Welcome to Umanohone bookstore, one of the bookstores across Japan that sells manga, light novels, and doujins - even the muddied ones. The bookstore has an interesting workplace with a variety of characters that you won't feel dull encountering at. Denkigai no Honya-san is one of the few slice of life anime this season, and as the outset few anime starting this flavour, information technology shouldn't be ignored nor forgotten.

The story is simple - but characters interacting together and partaking activities in and out of the bookstores. Nothing much can exist detailed farther. Just what I can say is that the comedy is great. Certain tropes and aforementioned jokes may have fallen but it'due south great that information technology has sustained well from episode to episode. There are plenty hilarious moments from the characters which may be memorable for a while, and these show what's truthful in their character. What is not expected in the anime is the romance. Halfway through it, I tin spot a few relationships between the characters. While they are non very adult as the story progresses, it is sweet to encounter how two people in one relationship interact. Of grade, you may feel tired seeing similar interactions, merely similar I said, it actually didn't develop much.

But both one-act and romance in the anime are balanced well, and zero had overshot to break the story and hence it becoming worse.

The anime uses a number of references from manga, light novels and anime. I wouldn't have spotted all of them since a lot of references are not very similar to the real counterpart. A few of them do requite abroad, attempt your best. The fanservice doesn't really exceed to become an ecchi anime, but at that place are withal some of it throughout. Some may say they are definitely non needed, but looking at the context, I call up a flake of them is enough.

Each grapheme in the anime is special. It might have been a typical cast of slice of life characters, only in this anime, they accept a dainty range of emotions and thoughts. They are likeable and funny, depending on how they act. Development-wise, not really much for a piece of life anime. But looking at how the characters feel in their relationships, I retrieve they are trying hard to be normal, since he first steps of romance tin can be hard and shaky. Also, looking at Umio, as the near contempo hired employee of the bookstore, he adapts well with his co-workers and that's great!

Information technology'southward also great that the cast is small and it didn't introduce a ton of characters. There are a lot of anime with has a huge cast and it's really hard to keep track of all of them. Only in this anime, even with a small cast, at that place are a lot happening in the story.

The anime's fine art is simple but not very dull. I like the colour palette to pull of a bright cheery experience. The scenery, both interior and exterior, look skilful, enough for a slice of life anime. I similar the graphic symbol designs as the characters look cute in them. The facial expressions are funny and adorable. Not much noticeable visual effects but overall, I think the temper is fresh and sometimes lively, depending on the story.

I really don't know how the opening relates to the anime. Sang by i of the voice actresses in the anime, Taketatsu Ayana, its theme is about apples. It doesn't actually match the context of the anime, although the animation of it does. Ignoring that fact, I think it'due south sweetness and lovely. Who knows, I think it'due south a perfect Spice and Wolf S3 opening. The ending vocal, sang by 4 vocalism actresses of their analogue working in the bookstore, is more cheery and catchy to hear. The background music doesn't really stand up out a lot but they are nice and chilling to listen to. The vocalisation acting is cracking as the voice actors tried their best in acting out the emotions of the characters. Almost of them aren't relatively new to the vocalisation acting manufacture, and so there shouldn't be whatever screw-ups.

I read some chapters of the manga before watching the anime and I beloved how the anime adapts almost all of the manga used. Maybe the last episode may have been an original, and trust me, that was an awesome episode to end off the anime. Back to point, I recollect that the managing director did a good job in using most of the source cloth and added a few originals in.

Overall, the anime is fun to watch. It doesn't lack anything much, so it shouldn't disappoint yous. If you need some laughs now, it is a good time to watch it. I don't listen a second flavour and I don't know if at that place volition ever be, but for at present continue reading the manga.

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Dec 19, 2014

Overall 8
Story half-dozen
Animation 6
Sound 7
Grapheme 8
Enjoyment 9

Since this is based solely on my opinions of the show and I'g not an skillful or specialist in the area, I would call this a commentary rather than a review. Likewise, because information technology is my first fourth dimension writing something like this, minor spoilers and misjudgments are expected.

I will begin by stating how I quite enjoyed Denki-Gai no Honya-san. Subsequently getting to know about the show and reading a bit well-nigh information technology, I sincerely did not expect much from Denki-Gai. As time went by and episodes kept ambulation, I began to like it more than and more than and ended up being a good, short one season anime.

Story - six
I believe that the story of Denki-Gai was quite simple. Definitely not the strong point of the bear witness. Although that doesn't mean information technology was bad.
What I took from every week's episode was that the story was near the people who worked at the bookstore, how the bookstore itself worked and it gave me a bit of data about the manga manufacture in Nihon. More than specifically, near "doujinshi", a word I heard a couple of times only had no thought what it actually meant.
There were also references to other anime which were quite smart and amusing, but the ane which takes the cake, in my opinion, (SPOILER Warning) is the ane in the last episode, in which the characters cosplayed other characters from unlike shows voiced by the same seiyu. It's a shame that I only recognised the simplest one, Kantoku as Kirito from SAO (Matsuoka Yoshitsugu).

Art/Animation - half dozen

To clarify things, I did not plant the animation bad. It was not that good, simply in retrospect, I felt that it was appropriate to the anime.
I won't say/write anything else nearly it, considering I accept very few knowledge about anime animation.

Sound - 7

I found the OP and the ED songs enjoyable and quite cheerful. Other than that at that place was nothing near audio that stood out for me, except for, the (SPOILER ALERT) "Boys don't hate underwear" vocalism.

Characters - eight

With Denki-Gai no Honya-san you don't get a lot of characters overall. What you practice get are quite a few characters very relevant (Hio-tan, Umio, Sensei, Kantoku, Fu Daughter, Kameko and Sommelier), 2 not and then relevant, which however matter (Yard-Men and Tsumorin) and finally the residue, which I feel that are only at that place to make the store look legitimate and provide some extra laughs, for case, the director.
My opinion is that the character development is adequate. Yous get to know more than nearly the characters' past and y'all meet, in some, them irresolute a little bit gradually.
I would just like to add that I kept thinking that Umio was existence ignored midway and at the finish of the anime, but with the last episode, that "issue" was fixed. Besides the seiyu for Sommelier should receive an award for best seiyu of 2014 because those lines were but class. XD

Enjoyment - 9

This is where, in my opinion, the show shined. It was then entertaining, I started laughing in the beginning and would simply stop after the episode concluded.
Needless to say that was e'er happy to know it was Th and I would be able to see a new episode of Denki-Gai.

All in all, for me, this show was comedic gilded. No matter how I was feeling earlier watching an episode, I ever felt much better after watching it. The anime certainly gave me a lot of smiles while it was airing.
I apologise if the review/commentary is a chip long and so...

tl;dr: Corking one-act and characters, brusque and enjoyable anime; Tomita Takahiro all-time seiyu 2014 AHAHA.

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December 23, 2014

Overall iv
Story 0
Blitheness 0
Sound 0
Character 0
Enjoyment 0

(This has been adapted from my reddit thread)

Having a passion is oft a rewarding experience. A hobby or talent that brings one more joy than annihilation else. We understand this hands. For us, anime is one of our passions. Talking about a compelling story, comparing favorite characters, and listening to opening and catastrophe music tracks are just some of the many varying attributes that anime entails.

And through anime, through our passion, nosotros are able to antipodal and connect with others. This situation pops up with all groups, not simply in anime. Take the earth of manga. For Denki-gai no Honya-san, manga is the passion and the setting, but little is found beyond the panels.


Denki-gai follows the lives of the crew working at Umanohone, a local manga shop. Umio, Sensei, Kantoku, Hio, Fu Girl, and Kameko deal with everyday life while attempting to juggle work and relationships.

This anime is starting time and foremost a one-act. The situations involved are often silly in nature, with the characters ordinarily taking role in gag-like humor. Sticking to its "seinen" roots, the jokes are unremarkably sexual or more adult-oriented. Despite where it all takes place, the comedic moments require the viewer to be a fleck older to understand allow alone appreciate the funny events for what they are.

But already two problems arise, one small and 1 large. Starting with the smaller, the anime attempts to incorporate romantic developments between the characters. That is, instead of focusing solely on the humour, it shifts its attending at times to romance. Not simply are these elements unsatisfactory and largely unexplored, but their inclusion deters from the comedy that is at the testify's core. Moving to tackle this event, the anime tries to then use the romance equally a stepping stone for the comedy. But information technology doesn't work because the feelings and emotions between the characters feel weak and unwarranted. In other words, it tries and fails to be a romantic-comedy.

The bigger of the 2 bug is located within the comedy itself: repetition. What'southward strange is that Denki-gai really contains some rather unique jokes or funny dialogue during certain moments. But in-betwixt these be the same exact set-ups time and again.

Examples include Sensei's "girl power," Fu Girl's zombie hatred, and Umio'south obsession with Tsumori. Repetition isn't necessarily a bad thing; characters tin can have hilarious shticks that tin see quite the degree of variation. Denki-gai, sadly, doesn't do this. A clever joke involving Sommelier's talent in the past or an "inspiring" speech by Kantoku is drowned out by the use of the previously mentioned, already-used jokes. In conjunction with the poorly executed romantic elements, much of the comedy that the show aims at presenting is ultimately lost.

Beyond the comedy, romance, and repetition, Denki-gai gives us at least ane life lesson. Whether you are having fun with your friends, staying up tardily to finish some work, or pining later on the one you beloved, at the cease of the mean solar day, life is what you make of information technology. The events y'all experience are shaped past yous and those around you, and they become everlasting memories. Even when tomorrow becomes "work per usual," as long as you had fun in the moment, its impression will last a lifetime.


Denki-gai offers a mixed bag when it comes to the art and the animation.

The fine art way feels both unique and generic at the same time. The locations are often typical (work place, someone's abode, in the city), just it all feels devoid of detail. The character designs, on the other mitt, hold a different vibe. Fu Girl'south sharp upper teeth, Kameko's afro, and Hio'southward sparkling eyes are simple examples that show off how different they tend to be when compared to other shows. Also of note are their general body heights. They all (minus Sommelier) appear quite brusk, but they are in fact older than at start perceived.

The animation within Denki-gai errs on the side of caution. It contains some rather well washed moments with a adept amount of character action, typically thanks to them exploding the situations. However, during its downtime, there isn't equally much extravagance to be had.


The characters of Denki-gai play their parts, generating an overall overnice cast.

There really isn't a chief character within the anime. If anyone gets the championship, it falls on Umio. As "otaku" as they come, his initial reason for working is to be close to the subject he loves most. Helpful towards his friends and agreement of the situations they notice themselves in, he generally experiences more trouble than the majority of the cast. He's your typical, everyday enthusiast, "one of united states," if you will.

Having a strange nickname, Sensei is an aspiring "mangaka" to be. Her low daughter-power, depression self-esteem, and depression tolerance for difficulties may brand her out to be a rather annoying person to deal with. But behind these layers of low lie a much more refined young woman. She constantly seeks to better herself, be it with her drawings or in the fine art of love. At the same time, she is no stranger to accepting aid, giving the audience the opportunity to contemplate such deportment. That is to say, everyone can always use a lilliputian help.

Hio is known for her full general clumsiness and big bust. While quiet, she is prone to outbursts, especially when dealing with Kantoku. Among the whole cast, she is often the near at odds with the feelings she maintains. It'south hard for her to properly limited herself because she cannot seem to comprehend the idea of the person she loves feeling the same way towards her. Complex emotions are generally hard to articulate, and she serves as a nice example.

As a gentle giant, Sommelier is the watchful guardian. Silent at all times, with optics most never noticeable, he seemingly has a 6th sense when information technology comes to people's tastes. Even from a young historic period, his heart has always been in the right place. For him, his motto is "actions speak louder than words."

Fu Daughter has a strange proper name and an even stranger personality. Reserved in all things simply the zombie apocalypse, she's a kind young girl looking to have the one person she holds most honey expect at (and consequently, downward!) at her. Function of what makes her special is how out of identify she seems, fifty-fifty amid everyone working at Umanohone. Her actions are commonly either non-existent or extreme in nature, lending credit to the argument that everybody is different.

Last, and indeed perhaps least, is Kameko. Placed on the sidelines for nearly the entire season, she is quite dishonest with herself. She prefers peering at the earth through a camera lens as opposed to with her own optics, giving her the chance to capture those all-important memories. In a way, she acts as the audience member; never contributing much to the on-screen antics, and simply along for the ride.


The best part of the OP comes in the beginning. It has a more whimsical feel about it, giving information technology a "Christmas-y" vibe. The little bong chimes add together to this consequence, while the rest of the composition is mostly uninspired.

The ED is quick, and fits more in line with what the anime offers. The vocalists accept turns singing, creating a fun little organisation that, combined with the squeamish pulsate beat, makes it a tricky tune. Plus, the "pa-pa-pa" parts at the beginning and end are but equally silly as the remainder of the song.

The soundtrack contains mostly float-y and nonchalant pieces that fit the mood of the scenes at hand. None of them are particularly standout, notwithstanding.

Voice-acting-wise, there are no notable performances to be had. Special shout-out to Takahiro Tomita for his function as Sommelier, where he has nearly zero bodily lines!


As a one-act, the testify is largely hit or miss. The repetitive jokes never made me express joy, just the cleverer, unique ones were certainly able to at to the lowest degree become a chuckle. Again, the issue is that the more witty jokes tin can only exist found past trudging through what the residuum of the anime has to offering. It's never going to brand you laugh consistently the whole way through. And while comedies don't take to achieve such a feat, the amount of laughter that this one got out of me was simply too minimal.

The romance, while out of place, at to the lowest degree helps information technology slightly. Tons of blushing and attempts at getting him or her to notice were fun to come across. However, since the anime isn't particularly interested in developing the romances in the first place, it unfortunately leaves many areas largely open up-ended, with no clear time to come for whatever of them in sight.

As a comedy anime, this i is less than stellar. While the characters represent more than their outward appearances may evidence, the story and animation elements just don't reach the same level. The workplace can be quite the hilarious topic, but Denk-gai no Honya-san couldn't capture this feeling.


Story: Bad, "adult" comedy lost among misplaced romance and misused repetition

Animation: Fine, art style, character designs, and animation are each average

Characters: Skilful, Umio, Sensei, and the rest personify more than than but their quirks

Sound: Fine, bad OP, okay ED, okay soundtrack, boilerplate VA work

Enjoyment: Bad, laughs are few and far betwixt with unsatisfying romances

Terminal Score: four/10

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Dec 19, 2014

Overall 7
Story 3
Animation 6
Sound vii
Character 7
Enjoyment 8

Well, after a long absences, I'm back (no thanks to that S.O.B K***h) to make my review , and so I'grand not gonna go around the bush and just present my review as simple as it is, btw, my review is just for this anime, information technology own't perfect but its my review. So let's become down to business organisation:

Story: Poor 3.

Considering, there isn't whatsoever, there is no plot, just the characters and the setting. It isn't unusual for an anime with a comedy/ Slice of life genre in information technology, Let's face information technology, this anime is a gag anime so a plot has no place in it.

Art: Off-white vi.

Ok, so Sensei'southward wardrobe makes her look like a grandma than a 20 something character, just and so gain I can forgive information technology, hummmmm peradventure just a piddling. But you lot know, the manner the characters where illustrated does have some cute side of it, but merely just a lilliputian. Now I practice have some issues with the way Fu Girls was illustrated every bit a teenager in a viii twelvemonth onetime body and Sommelier who would laissez passer as a criminal. at that place is also Kameko's lx'southward floppy chapeau that doesn't seem to suit her. Then over again I did mention most the illustrations cute side which is why I gave it such score.

Sound: Skilful seven.

Forget near the op and the ed, I only love the seiyuus who did the voices of the female person characters, about specially Hio-tan's vocalization, merely I was unforunate that nosotros never hear Sommelier speak, if he was to take no speaking lines so why did studio "Pony Coulee" have to get the services of Tomita, Takahiro, when all that the character does was to hum? Well, I guess simply the creator, Mizu, Asato knows.

Character: Adept 7.

All I can say it that the characters really did entertained me and I'm distressing if I have nothing much to say.

Enjoyment: Very Skillful eight.

For a plotless anime this funny, was enjoyable, though some gags maybe cheesy, then over again it's forgivable, since that what original creator Mizu, Asato intended to exist.

Overall: Good 7.

I gave it such score, since information technology is skilful, at that place where situations that present some annoyance, like the way Sensei does her everyday things in certain episodes, where it kinda gross me out, at present I can't spoil information technology, you're just gonna have to scout it. All I can say is that it maybe good simply at that place few stuffs that may wanna make yous puke.

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