
Cream of the Crop Tomoato Quotes Funny

Wow, HellBoy Might be Good!! :) Weee!!!!!!!! Now at 76% on love apple meter:) 88% cream of the crop

  • Thread starter 0roo0roo
  • Kickoff date
Sep 21, 2002
  • #1
*edit now 76% on tomatometer:) 87% foam of the ingather:)

*edit dvdtalk also reviewed information technology

*edit its number one!:)

david polands pretty reliable. virtually of you probably don't know who he is, but his site was mentioned past ebert a while agone. so he's non just some guy. the columns daily.

Hellboy isn?t going to be for everybody. It isn?t as readily accessible as Spider-Man. But it is the freshest, skillful, surprising, joyous comic book movie since the first Matrix. It?s no Matrix either? Matrix brought the mindset of the comic world to a whole new universe of viewers in a way that was truly revolutionary at the time. But it?due south lots of damned fun and I have a feeling that it volition get better and better on multiple viewings.

I don?t really want to get into a full review of the film. I?d need to encounter information technology again and truth be told, I?d probably accept some of the fun of discovering it away from you.

But just almost everything that Del Toro tries here works. The CG does get a little CG-y occasionally. And the density and screen-filling nature of some of the CG characters tin be a scrap disorienting at times. And the only thing I would actually modify is that I would edit the 15-minute opening sequence by five minutes, using Fernando Meirelles? editor if necessary. It?due south non that the stuff in those xv minutes isn?t well done. It just takes a niggling besides long and I, for ane, was anxious to get to the giant red Hellboy. In that location is likewise a shot well-nigh the end that I would love to see go near two seconds longer for an improved comedy beat. But that?southward only picking.

Ron Perlman is at the very acme of his game every bit Hellboy. The make-up for the character is bright, with bang-up attention paid to ?Red?s? peel texture. John Hurt is right on, equally is the young actor who plays him ?60 years earlier.? The great find of the moving-picture show is ?Abe Sapien,? a grapheme that turns out to be remarkably likeable and visually compelling almost every moment he is one screen.

Del Toro manages to accept these wild characters and a half-dozen more than and build them so that we are comfortable that we know them well enough, in spite of minimal screen time for most of them. In fact the merely graphic symbol who feels at all unbalanced is Rasputin, who gets more screen time than his degree of interest deserves.

Cinematographer Guillermo Navarro and Product Designer/Art Designers Stephen Scott, Marco Bittner Rosser and Peter Francis deserve special praise. And Marco Beltrami?due south score is arrogantly, unabashedly successful.

Of course, the whole shooting match comes back to Hellboy himself, the wise cracking, mental attitude-heavy half-dozen? 5? red mountain of muscle and rage. And people are going to fall in love with this guy? even the girls. I reason for the success at that place is that Hellboy?southward ongoing honey for the elusive pyrokinetic Liz Sherman, played with Johansson-like quiet by Selma Blair, actually plays, in spite of the genre. Merely fifty-fifty more importantly and unlike most superhero movies, Hellboy does what ?nosotros? might do if we had his powers. With a right hand the size of a stone-upholstered ottoman, when he wants to get somewhere, he will just every bit before long go through a wall equally around it.

In an odd way, Hellboy reminds me of Elf, in that the directors of both films simply let their leads play in a natural, audience-recognizable manner. And both directors knew when to move along, milking the moments until you take just enough to remain amused.

I am a little concerned that Hellboy hasn?t really caught hold across the core audition of teenage boys (and some who still wish they were teens). The great commercial for Hellboy that I haven?t seen would be one that just uses the remarkable sound fx editing (Tim Neilson of Lord of the Rings) and no dialogue until one of the film?s smashing lines tags the end of the spot. You can really get this picture without any of the often-witty dialogue. Thing is, Hellboy will take audiences somewhere in the comic book universe that it hasn?t been earlier.

In the midst of the picture, I was thinking of comparisons to the X-Men franchise and I thought, ?apples and oranges.? Hugh Jackman?s Wolverine and Ian McKellan?s Magneto may exist better characters than Hellboy, but there is a dark and funny weight to Hellboy that X-Men never achieves. It is, like Spider-Man, more accessible. Merely I believe that more circuitous is non a box office expletive and that the only matter that can keep this film from passing the $150 1000000 mark is a failure of marketing to draw audiences into what is joyous about this movie. The advertising cycles are actually only starting, and then nosotros should be fair. But people should be dying to see Abe Sapien? people should be aware that Hellboy is in honey with Liz? people should be going into the theater humming the Baby Ruth gags?it is more than a big loud thing of a movie. Information technology is remarkably sophisticated for expert, dumb comic volume fun.

The only problem is that the Jews are portrayed?


But a pic about an otherworldly being who is trying to benefit, but is constantly being physically beaten past the forces of evil, in which decease is rarely a permanent state? whose religious feel is it anyway?

It was dainty to come out of a movie smiling and happy to chatter about the flick. Ella Enchanted, The Alamo, Kill Nib Book 2, Human being of Fire, thirteen Going On 30, and what is looking like another great surprise, Mean Girls, are all coming in April. Summer starts in April 2 with the arrival of the big cerise i. Now if just WB would dump McG and hire Del Toro for Superman. Sigh.

  • #2
didn't read only I hope it'due south proficient
  • #3
I checked the website... pretty neat, with agglomeration of extras..... and by a bunch I hateful a whole lot...
  • #4
can't wait for this moving-picture show to cme out. looks pretty proficient. btw
  • #5
i'1000 hoping it'll be good... hopefully gonna see it in the theaters if i have the $$
Nov ten, 2003
  • #8
I saw the long trailer from the complimentary Best Buy DVD. It was interesting. I will come across information technology for certain.
Sep 21, 2002
Sep 21, 2002
  • #11
LOL bumping your hellboy thread, your that excited eh? I actually really desire to encounter this movie just because Selma Blair looks like she totally owns when she holds that blue fire. Mmmmm. :p
  • #12
Fans of the comic book will be pleased past the movie, I remember. The question is volition people "become" the fact that it's a comic book movie?
  • #13
i didnt know it was a comic book movie.

and i dont similar how it looks either. too much cgi.

Sep 21, 2002
  • #fifteen
lol bumping your hellboy thread, you're that excited eh?

i've been pretty disenchanted with the comic book movie thing, merely the review makes it sound not-then-bad.

Oct thirteen, 1999
  • #sixteen
I plan to run into it tonight after working a 16 hour twenty-four hour period. I've been waiting all calendar week for it, & don't experience like waiting until tomorrow.


Viper GTS

  • #17
Should be a cool DVD. I decline to go to a theater.
  • #18
I've got $xx that says Chronciles of Riddick waaaaaaaaaaaaastes Hellboy. In my brains.
January two, 2001
  • #xix
Reviews in our newspaper today (which were taken from the St Paul Pioneer Press and the Philadelphia Enquirer) both liked it.

Some quotes "When a movie is that swift and funny, you cannot help merely honey it."
" 'Hellboy' is well, hellacious expert fun." "...beautiful, seamless special furnishings..."

Does say that they could have speeded upwards things and gotten into the good stuff sooner that xx minutes into the movie.

  • #twenty
Originally posted by: jhbball
I've got $xx that says Chronciles of Riddick waaaaaaaaaaaaastes Hellboy. In my brains.
Vin Diesel < *
Aug 31, 2001
  • #21
isnt chronicles of riddick a prequel to pitch black?
Aug 21, 2003
  • #22
Originally posted by: MustISO
Should be a cool DVD. I refuse to become to a theater.
Aug 31, 2001
  • #23
i just saw information technology tronight, i idea it was sugariness, just then again i think movies like this are sugariness, just anyway it was good definitly with seeing particularly if you read teh comic
  • #24
Ane of my friends just saw information technology, said it was the best comic book movie e'er. Not sure whether to shell out $12 at the theater to see it or look and pay $20 for the DVD.. hmm decisions decisions.
May 30, 2002
  • #25
Originally posted past: OREOSpeedwagon
One of my friends just saw it, said information technology was the all-time comic volume movie ever. Non sure whether to beat out $12 at the theater to run across information technology or wait and pay $20 for the DVD.. hmm decisions decisions.
Withal wondering why some people accept to pay $12 dollars but to meet a movie. Jesus where do you people go?!
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